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Finding my name

Children's picturebook

Everyone has a name. It's a special part of us that carries a sense of who we are and our place in the world. But, what if your name disappeared. Would you still be you?


Finding my name is the story of one child's search for her wayward name. Without it, she just doesn't feel right. She visits people who know her best to see if they can help her find her name. But each time, she ends up helping them.


I wrote and illustrated Finding my name for early childhood readers. It aims to get them thinking - and talking - about the importance of their own name as a part of themselves. Perhaps they share a name with a family member, or have a nickname they prefer, or hate it when people use their full name (like when they're in trouble!). It also creates an opportunity to consider other aspects of their identity.


Finding my name was long-listed out of almost 400 projects from 60 countries in The Unpublished  Picturebook Showcase 3 2021. A jury of top international publishers vote independently for their favourite projects, and the projects with the most votes go into a unique book fair showcase and are presented online to hundreds of publishers in the dPICTUS community of international picturebook publishers and agents.  


Below is a selection of illustrations from this book.

childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS
childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS
childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS
childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS
childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS
childrens picturebook illustration pencil ink book dPICTUS

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